Autobiographical Sketch of Dave Bishop

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   I live in Huntington Beach in southern California. I went to CSU Fullerton for under graduate and Pepperdine for graduate school. I worked in public education in Huntington Beach and Los Alamitos where I was a principal for 22 years. I retired early and became a general contractor specializing in remodeling.
   22 years ago my x-wife and I started a non-profit foundation called Pathways to Independence. It currently serves 45 young women who come from severe abuse (incest, chemical dependency, foster care, etc). So far 294 have gone through the program. The criteria to join is that you come from poverty and abuse and want to get an education and a meaningful life. They commit to full time school (12 units or more) a part time job, weekly therapy and weekly work with a mentor. In return we either house them or give them a housing stipend, pay for their education, provide them with their own personal physician, dentist, optometrist, and therapist. All of the above mentioned professionals are volunteers. In fact other than 2 part time people all of us are volunteers. We graduate 80% and their lives are forever changed.For more info you can visit our web site at I have 2 grown sons Mark 42 and John 39. I also have a daughter Candy 30, who went through Pathways  and when she graduated I adopted her in an adult adoption.
   My best to you always,   Dave



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first entered: 4/24/12